All in the Family Photo Jan 02 2025, 11 33 00 PM (3)

I’ve read about or heard often of Land Rovers passed down between generations. In my case, that Land Rover is our ’03 Discovery II. At age 29, it’s now in my ownership, but as I was lucky enough to be born into a Land Rover family, it’s not the only one that’s bridged our generations.

Our familial love of Land Rovers started with my grandfather Juan, who worked for Nestle in Columbia and took my father Oscar (OJ) around farm fields in his Sage Green Series IIA. My Dad told me he drove it as a kid, peering through the open scuttle vents because his height prevented him from seeing through the windshield. In addition, our uncle owned a Marine Blue Series Land Rover, and together they saw many Santanas in the country. 

All in the Family Photo Jan 02 2025, 11 33 00 PM (2) (1)

In September 2002, my father worked as a transport driver delivering exotic automobiles in Southern California for Desert European Motors, which also owned the Land Rover Rancho Mirage dealership. We lived in nearby Riverside and Dad owned a ‘91Toyota Forerunner – that is, until he spotted a Bonatti Grey Discovery II in the dealer’s parking lot. He knew that this was the vehicle he wanted for his family. Looking over the option sheet, he knew he would want the features of the higher-end SE7 model, but without the optional rear air suspension.

All in the Family Photo Jan 02 2025, 11 39 45 PM (9)

When it came into the dealership, he leased the Discovery fresh off the trailer and later purchased it outright. My mother, Isabel, used it as a daily driver, grocery getter and kid delivery wagon, but she also fell in love with it, calling it her most “solid car.” Dad hooked up a camping trailer, crossed the Mojave Desert and traveled with us around the Joshua Tree National Forest. By 2005, a lift kit, snorkel and aggressive tires had changed the Discovery into an off-road adventure vehicle.

All in the Family Photo Jun 10 2018, 2 34 05 PM

During our time with the Discovery, My Dad came across a ’97 Defender 90 soft top (#1619), stored at the same California dealership. He struck a deal to purchase it and owned it from 2006 – 2010 (and he tells me often he deeply regrets selling it.). 

All in the Family Photo Jan 02 2025, 11 45 05 PM (13)

OJ had developed quite a friendship with the area dealer, who loaned him a Range Rover L322 Supercharged on my birthday, in which I experienced a highlight of my teenage years. On the day of my 15th birthday, Dad took our family out to Honey’s Diner in Corona for what had become a birthday tradition of a pancake breakfast. As we passed the exit on the highway, I could see a white Range Rover Classic at the café with a “For Sale” sign on it. I yelled, “Let’s go see it, please?!” – after all, it was my birthday. As we puledl into the parking lot, I jumped out and overlooked the rust around the tailgate and overall worn look. But then I noticed that the seat covers had a patch for the Columbia Land Rover Club. A birthday card on the font seat confirmed that it was my birthday present from my family! 

All in the Family Photo Nov 14 2021, 2 20 59 PM

OJ had purchased a replacement transmission but it needed more work for street use. It’s now 2010 and my family moved to Columbia for a business venture. We retained ownership of our California house and we stored the Range Rover outside in the desert elements for the next 10 years. During the COVID pandemic, my folks sold the California property and I had to decide what to do about the Range Rover. My work with Fastenal in Virginia enabled me to buy a [very] used truck and rent a U Haul trailer.  and I drove out to California to retrieve the Range Rover and bring it across country. We loaded up the Classic with other items from the house move and drove it, Beverly Hillbillies-style, across the country. We even stopped in Memphis to retrieve another transfer case.

On behalf of my family, I’ll cherish our Discovery II. My other siblings have turned out to be Jeep fans, but I love them anyway. Still, the Range Rover Classic holds a piece of my heart. It runs, but the transmission still shifts – or doesn’t – at odd RPM. Ideally, I’ll find a shop that can swap out the transmission for my known good one. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the company of other members of the Norfolk-Virginia Beach area.