Dear Rovers North,
At the Land Rover Experience Quail Lodge, we had the honor of hosting the TrEK 2024 competition. Each dealer team ran an identically-equipped Defender 110. After a weekend of challenges, the winners were presented their trophies at Destination Defender in nearby Malibu. First – third, hhe 2024 winners were Land Rover Buckhead [Atlanta], Land Rover Asheville [Arden, NC] and Land Rover Gwinnett [Duluth, MN].
Brenton Corns
Carmel, CA
[Thanks for the sharing the competition photos, and congratulations to all the teams – ed.]
Dear Rovers North,
I have a cousin in Minnesota looking for a Defender 110 L316. I remember meeting a guy at the Diamond Jubilee 75 Anniversary event in Cortland, NY, who had a big Minnesota Vikings flag planted in front of his Series Land Rover. I thought he was a Doctor; any chance you know who I’m talking about? I want to try and connect my cousin with him.
Adam Lenkin
Washington, DC
[You met Dr. Rik Olsen of the Minnesota Land Rover Club, and with his approval, we’ll connect you -ed.]
Dear Rovers North,
I wanted to reach out to say I’m sorry for the loss of our dear friend, Dave Sweetapple. I had the pleasure of meeting ave while visiting family; I grew up in Massachusetts , went to college in Maine, and often visited New Hampshire and Vermont, so connecting with fellow Land Rover enthusiasts around my hometown was really cool. He was a true enthusiast of both music and old Land Rovers and I’m fortunate to have had a couple of opportunities to listen to him talk about his passions for both.
Alec Goldsmith
Armed Forces Europe
[Thank you for your thoughtful email about Dave. Happily, members of Vermont Rovers are continuing his column -ed.]
Dear Rovers North,
While visiting the Mont Sainte-Anne ski resort in Beaupre, QC, I enjoyed the vistas as well as this handsome Defender.
Daniel Giroux
Ancienne Lorette, QC
[Skiing in Quebec is always entertaining and this beautiful Defender 90 adds to the visual appeal of the resort -ed.]
Dear Rovers North,
Thank you for attending and participating in the Gulf Area Rover Rally last October. It was an honor to have you and Scott Preston drive my Defender. I have been bragging about it to my medical colleagues! I have enjoyed reading your stories over the years and look forward to the next one in Rovers Magazine.
Matt Busbee
Mobile, AL
[Thanks for the kind words! Scott and I really enjoyed and benefited from your hospitality; see his story on p. ____ in this issue -ed.]
Dear Rovers North,
In an effort to keep off the phone first thing this morning, I’ve been reading through a bunch of old Rovers Magazine front to back (well, sometimes back to front, sometimes randomly). It strikes e that there was a stretch of time during which eye Editor was binge-watching the Grease films? Perhaps we can look forward to article titles and other references to early Dylan lyrics?
Paul Martin
Snohomish, WA
[When you drive Series Land Rovers, the interior decibel level runs high so you spend a lot of time singing to yourself. It’s all about the music, but not Dylan -ed.]
Dear Rovers North,
Reading a CNN post about the conflict between Syria and Israel last December, I was intrigued by presence of these military Defenders at the summit of the 9,000 ft high Mt Hermon.
Doug Crowther
Concord, VA
[The utility of the Defender L316 is remarkable; thanks for sharing the article -ed.]
Dear Rovers North,
The October 2024 issue of Classic & Sports Car (UK) magazine has an article on a Series IIA 109” that travelled around Australia multiple times that should be of interest to every Land Rover enthusiast. The fact that it has remained in the same family since its purchase in 1972 makes it even more amazing.
Jim Hutchison
Cambridge, MA
[Thanks for sharing the link to the C&SC online archive. It was a terrific story! – ed.]
Dear Rovers North,
Thanks again for an awesome magazine and company!
Neil Wright
Mainesville, OH
[Thanks for the kind words, Neil -ed.]