Not only is this year Land Rover’s 75th anniversary – but 2023 also marks the 65th year of the beginning of Series II/IIA production.

Fabulously British – Winter 2023

The UK-based Series 2 Club created the 65th Anniversary Bonnet Challenge, which requires Series 2 members to transport a commemorative bonnet between Land’s End to John O’Groats. Each region of the UK should apply graphics and/or decals unique to their area before passing the bonnet on to another Series 2 member in another area – but how to celebrate this anniversary worldwide?

Obviously, shipping a bonnet between continents would be unwieldy, so James Williams, a New Forest-based club organizer, came up with the brilliant idea to ship a bonnet hinge and track its progress. One is on its way to Perth, Australia, with the hope that after crossing that continent, it will make its way to New Zealand.

Fabulously British – Winter 2023

The second hinge arrived at the Rovers Magazine office in Maine on February 23 with a plea to record its travels to or in any “leaf-sprung Series Land Rover” in North America. A photographic record of its presence in Maine will be taken, after which it will find its way to Series enthusiasts in Vermont and New Hampshire

If you’re interested in receiving the celebratory hinge, photographing it around your Series Rover, and forwarding it to another enthusiast, send an email to with your shipping address and we’ll share instructions with you.

The bonnet and bonnet hinge project form the basis for a fund-raising challenge for the UK charity, Children in Need. We think that the Series 2 Club exemplifies what it means to be Fabulously British and wish them every success at the Club stand at the NEC Show in Birmingham in November.