As winter approaches—or depending on your location, buries you—it’s time to stock up on winter supplies for your Land Rover, as well for your house. Winter prep... Read More...
We know that some readers live in places where it’s summer all year long, so the months of June, July and August are greeted with a yawn. Not here in New Englan... Read More...
There’s something special about British Land Rover loyalty and it's alive and well in Edmonton, Alberta.
Fabulously British
Dave Heathcote bought his 196...
Marty Marcinczyk took his Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute engineering degree into the dot-com world of the 1990s. When his first start up went public in 1995, ... Read More...
My interest in Rovers began as a young man living in Nashville, when my mom would take my brother and I to her friend’s house. The Hamilton’s lived elegantly in... Read More...
Texas is 28 times larger than Rovers North’s Vermont, 14 times larger than my state of Maine. Overlay a map of Texas over a map of Europe and you’ll see it cove... Read More...
By last April, the thrill of winter had diminished considerably here in Maine. The temperature would “rise” into the 30s as the winds howled more viciously than... Read More...
What does it mean to have “an old Land Rover”? I’ve learned it’s quite generational.
Old Alabama
As a child of the “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” 1980s, the... Read More...
Dear Rovers North,
I wanted to thank you for the mention of our family in the evening sunset picture with our LR4 and Series II-A on the Rovers North Faceboo... Read More...
A contemporary Land Rover offers a majestic driving experience, starting with the steering wheel. You have most every comfort feature under your thumb or at you... Read More...
“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy,” sang the character Clara in “Porgy and Bess.” Maybe for kids and college students it’s an easy time of year, but not for t... Read More...
Spring is a time of renewal, at least here in northern climes—a chance to wash off the winter grime and springtime mud. In fact, here in New England we can actu... Read More...