Speaking from experience, I can tell you that Land Rover ownership in New England comes with an appreciation of the Gregorian calendar. By the time October rol... Read More...
All of the big Land Rover events are back – but so are all the weddings, family affairs, home repairs, and general obligations. That said,&... Read More...
Back in early March, I was contacted by someone who had what seemed like a ludicrous idea of hosting a Land Rover gathering on Martha’s Vineyard over ... Read More...
As a kid growing up in Newfoundland, I was obsessed with Series Land Rovers. The thing that I remember most, was that if someone owned one Land Rover, ther... Read More...
Until last year, my experience with catastrophic events was that they were confined in time and place, but in the case of Covid-19, this catastrophe has affect... Read More...
In 1986, when Charlie Hughes directed the creation of Range Rover North America, he hired the highly-regarded Bill Baker to introduce the fledgling brand into ... Read More...
When something goes wrong with my Land Rover, as it often does, a sense of dread takes hold. Small problems induce only small worries, but the anxiety caused b... Read More...
Return with me now to those halcyon days of last February, before the Covid-19 pandemic upended our lives. Back then, the Maine Winter Romp presented me with m... Read More...
In 1605, Guy Fawkes led a plot to blow up the British Parliament using 36 barrels of gunpowder. When the authorities foiled his assassination attempt, they sent... Read More...
The Land Rover world knows Don Flye as the man behind the “Metal Dash”, a celebration of Series Land Rovers, now in its 16th year at his Doe Valley Farm in Pete... Read More...